Body of Stars
Dutton/Penguin Random House
A bold and dazzling exploration of fate and female agency in a world very similar to our own—except that the markings on women’s bodies reveal the future.

Body of Stars (UK)
Hodder Studio/Hodder & Stoughton
Available in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
Select Fiction Publications
- “The Domesticated Satan: A Guide,” F(r)iction, Summer 2023.
- “Beauty Surge,” Slate Future Tense Fiction, August 2021.
- “Adult Education,” The Master’s Review, February 2020.
- “Sleepaway Camp for the Education of Young Girls,” The Southeast Review, Issue 37.2, Fall 2019.
- “The Abortion Club” (reprint), SFWP Quarterly Special Abortion Ban Protest Issue, Summer 2019.
- “Funeral Arrangements,” Green Hills Literary Lantern, Issue XXX, 2019.
- “Break Apart,” Cincinnati Review miCRo series, Fall 2017.
- “Museum of Menarche,” Ninth Letter, Fall/Winter 2016-7 (nominated for a Pushcart Prize).
- “The Necrophiliac’s Almanac,” Kenyon Review, Nov./Dec. 2016.
- “The Cannibal Queen of Karr County,” Chicago Tribune Printers Row. 2016.
- “Zoophilia in Four Acts,” Kenyon Review Online, Summer 2016.
- “The Virginity Auction,” Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 55 No. 2, Spring 2016.
- “Little Rattle Ghost,” Puerto del Sol, Spring 2016.
- “Taboo King,” Notre Dame Review, No. 41, Winter/Spring 2016.
- “Euthanasia Coaster,” Washington Square Review, No. 37, Spring 2016.
- “The Abortion Club,” Beloit Fiction Journal, Vol. 29, Spring 2016.
- “Lost Pets,” The South Carolina Review, Spring 2016.
- “Lost Pets” (reprint), Animals Among Us anthology (Ashland Creek Press), forthcoming 2016.
- “No Dog,” Portland Review, Vol. 61.2, Winter 2015.
- “A Girl Walks Into a Page,” SmokeLong Quarterly, September 2014.
- “Under the Linden Tree,” Fourteen Hills, Spring 2014.
- “Q&A at the Film Fest,” Tampa Review, Issue 47/48, Spring 2014.
- “Wedding Season,” Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment, Vol. 13.2.
- Living Arrangements, short story collection. BkMk Press / University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2011.
- “Living Arrangements,” American Literary Review, Spring 2011, Vol. 22, No. 1.
- “The Ballad Solemn of Lady Malena,” South Dakota Review, Summer 2010, Vol. 48 No. 2.
- “Live Model,” Crab Creek Review, 2010 Volume 2.
Select Essay/Nonfiction Publications
- “How Genetic Testing Helped Me Write My First Novel,” Moms Don’t Have Time to Write, May 2022.
- “BreyerFest or Bust,” Horse Girls: Recovering, Aspiring, and Devoted Writers Reclaim the Iconic Bond, edited by Halimah Marcus. Harper Perennial, August 2021.
- “The Art of Belief: On Talking to the Dead in Lily Dale,” Literary Hub, March 2021.
- “Labored Lying: On Language, Translation, and Saying Goodbye,” The Offing, October 2019.
- “How Amrieh Showed the Way,” Equus magazine, March 2016.
- “Questions Not Asked During My MFA Thesis Defense,” McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, September 2015.
- “In the Twelve Years Since You Died,” The Sun magazine, May 2014.
- Introduction, The Sophie Kerr Prize Anthology: 2011 & 2012, Washington College, Spring 2013.
- “Crossing the Border,” Rust Belt Chic: The Cleveland Anthology, September 2012.
- “Your Cat As Your Coworker,” Cat Fancy, September 2012.
- “5 Steps to a Solid Article Draft,” The Writer, March 2012.
- “Life (and Work) After Rejection,” The Writer, January 2012.
- “Six Surefire Ways to Get the Most Out of Writing Contests,” The Writer, August 2011.
- “Sketching a Story,” American Literary Review, February 2011.
Poets & Writers Features
- “Game Changers: Literary Magazines as the Gateway to Your Career,” Poets & Writers, January/February 2023.
- “Your Career on the Line: Writers and Agents Discuss ‘The Call,'” Poets & Writers, July/August 2021.
- “Revising the Dream: Publishing a Debut Novel in an Uncertain World,” Poets & Writers, March/April 2021.
- “Fight for Your Rights: Understanding Literary Magazine Contracts,” Poets & Writers, Nov/Dec 2018.
- “Digging Deeper: A Practical Guide to Submitting Your Work,” Poets & Writers, Nov/Dec 2017.
- “Tell Me I’m Good: The Writer’s Quest for Reassurance,” Poets & Writers, May/June 2017.
- “To Fee or Not to Fee: A Writer’s Critique of Submission Fees,” Poets & Writers, Nov/Dec 2016.
- “From Corporate to Creative: Leaving a Career to Pursue an MFA,” Poets & Writers, September/October 2013.
- “The Price of Submission: The Evolution of Reading Fees and Their Cost to the Community,” Poets & Writers, November/December 2011.
- “The Dotted Line: Navigating Literary Magazine Contracts,” Poets & Writers, May/June 2011.
- “The Pressure of Young Promise,” Poets & Writers, November/December 2010.
Select Kenyon Review Blog Posts:
- “Five Years and 138,000 Words Later”
- “Letting Go of Publishing Anxiety: An Interview with Sarah Enni”
- “Inclining toward Obscurity: On Ferrante and Lost Friends”
- “Doubling the Rejection Goal: How I Received 215 Rejections in 2015”
- “When Stones Speak”
- “Losing It: On Hair, Trauma, and Regrowth”
- “The Books that Made Us: Weetzie Bat and Behind the Attic Wall”
- “Personality Theory: On Masks, Mothers, and Middle Names”
- “Books Fall Apart”
- “This Great Democracy: An Interview with Huda Al-Marashi”
- “Gentrification, the American Lie: An Interview with Stacie Williams”
Select Awards & Recognition
- Walter E. Dakin Fellow, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, 2023.
- Grantee, Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, 2022.
- Finalist, Ohioana Book Awards, for Body of Stars, 2022.
- Individual Excellence Award, Ohio Arts Council, 2022.
- Fiction Book of the Month, UK Booksellers Association, for Body of Stars. March 2021.
- Chicago Tribune Nelson Algren Literary Awards, runner-up, 2016.
- Devine Summer Fellowship, Bowling Green State University, 2015.
- National Gold Award, Short Story Fiction category, 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards), for Living Arrangements.
- Silver Award, ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Awards, for Living Arrangements.
- 2011 Ohioana Walter Rumsey Marvin Grant.
- 2010 G.S. Sharat Chandra Prize for Short Fiction, for Living Arrangements.
- Sophie Kerr Prize, Washington College, 2003. The nation’s largest undergraduate literary award.